+49 7832 9777 350


Mo. - Fr.: 7:00 - 16:00

Snow shower

Our snow shower - almost like a snowstorm

This is a compact machine, which creates a lifelike snowfall. The SLX is a ready-to-plug-in device, which can be integrated in almost any object, even retrofitted. Whether in the false ceiling, as a suspended ceiling unit or completely outdoors.

A distinction is made between three different designs.

Water cooled:
The cooling of the machine is done with water, this can be used again as needed for heating pools or the like.

Air cooled:
The machine is cooled by a fan, but it also heats the ambient air. However, has a lower water consumption.

Split variant:
Here we are talking about two devices. The actual snow shower is connected via pipes to an outdoor unit. This, in turn, provides cooling for the machine. The outdoor unit releases the generated heat to the outside air. There is no additional heating of the interior and no cooling water is required. However, a piping system must be installed between the indoor and outdoor unit.

Snow amount
The amount of snow produced when operating the snow shower depends on the type of snow machine selected, the number of snow machines installed and the ambient temperature inside the snow shower.
Snow can be produced in the snow shower up to an ambient temperature of +45°C. Basically, the warmer the ambient temperature, the faster the produced snow melts.
Below are some examples of use of the snow shower

  • for cooling down after heat treatments in the spa & wellness area
  • for medical applications and therapies
  • as an attraction and highlight
  • for test and material testing
  • Sales promotion at POI / POS
The snow shower offers a wide range of uses. For further possibilities of use or the implementation of your ideas, our team is at your disposal.